Saturday, December 19, 2009
love can ..
Where did we sink ? Which path did we take ? Which bridges did we miss ? Which roads did we cross ? And why, for heavens sake, did we end up in a dark cave on the top of a steep cliff, where any careless step can be disastrous ?
Why, oh why ?
And then sometimes, we cant do it all by ourselves. All paths appear hazy, and all bridges appear to be linking the same hills .. Too many cross roads, and no sign of directions.
At that time, we do need a hand, perhaps a shoulder too.
We need a new set of eyes, to look at things from a different perspective and explain the view.
It might take some time to trust that the hand wont let go, or that the shoulder means forever..
But for the heart that believes, love can carry you through the hardest times.
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Door Within
After the work of the day finishes
My to-do list all checked and done,
As the dark pall falls on Earth,
After the setting Sun
I quietly retire from the chores
And tip-toe to that place in the nook
Where no one can reach me for a while
Where no one can look.
Where I don’t have to hear voices
Other than that of my heart.
Where I don’t need to sacrifice
Where I don’t need to part.
Where my dreams come alive
and no feelings suppressed.
A life full of passion,
No love repressed.
As I sneak away from this world,
To the edge of my mind
I open the door within me,
In there, myself I find.
What would you do
If you weren’t afraid?
With only your heart to support you
And no powers great.
Would you take that step
Into the darkness unknown ?
Swim the deep seas
Where dangers have grown?
Would you risk the jump
Without fearing the fall?
Would you climb that mountain
If you could only crawl ?
Would you give life all you could
Even if it threw to you, dirt.
Would you love till the end of time
Without fearing any hurt ?
I know not what was
nor what shall be.
Here I am, on this tiny blue speck hurtling across dark infinite space.
But how is it so ?
Was it just chance ?
Or that a momentary alignment of planets changed what could have been
and made things the way they are now.
Then perhaps I owe my existence to a distant star in the sky..
It could have changed its mind and then maybe i would have been on a far away planet in some corner of the universe..with green skin and eyes the size of footballs and when i would speak, it would sound like 'glauber glum thwarpt' to the ears i have now.
But I’m here. And not there.
There must be some reason as to why I am where I am today.
So I start my journey
with these little steps
the dim sunshine
and a distant star or two.
I know not where I am going
I see no path
I let my heart give the directions
knowing it will lead me right.
There must be something else
Beyond the veil.
Because such perfection cannot be random.
There must be a delicate balance .. A very thin line..
Separating order and disorder.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
~ ~
Treading in slowly
Careful not to break the silence
I reveal
Many new worlds
Hidden secrets
I teach
New lessons
And the power of trust
I show you two roads
Hold me close
Or let me drift away
If you cross the tests
Of space and time
I stay
If you accept without judging
And learn humility
I grow
If you love me back
No conditions or boundaries,
I am yours.
But if you chance
To clutch too tightly
I slip
If you are selfish
Or careless
I break away
Uncared for,
I vanish just like I had come
Leaving behind heartprints
I am love.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
How Things Work
Within the Sun, in its plasmatic state, are elements undergoing fusion, emitting light and heat, making Sun one of the major supporters of life.
Pressure differences, fronts, cause winds. Soft winds, gently lulling us away to a dreamland, or ones powerful enough to whip up storms in the sea.
The force of gravity responsible for this large scale universe also holds us within the far off edges of our system, so we don’t go hurtling off across the infinite space.
Combinations of various physical, chemical and biological reactions bring about changes on the Earth’s surface, altering its look from time to time.
Millions of tiny electrons moving in an atom produce electricity. They also cause magnetism, making an atom the smallest magnet we know.
Deep inside the human body, cells respire, produce and reproduce.Microscopic DNA, encode the information controlling everything from the blink of an eye to the entire functioning of the human body.
Yet after all these years of research, the solving of the mysteries of space and beyond, right down to our very cells, mankind has been unable to do but one thing . . .
- Unravelling the secrets of the human heart.
All our knowledge of things, big and small, is useless when it comes to the power of love and the very reason behind it.
Why do sparks fly? Or why are connections made?
Is this the entanglement of physics? Or the strong forces holding together atoms? Is the law of attraction of magnets applicable here?
No, they aren’t.
For we don’t love for a reason.
We just love.
It simply happens.
Like the best laid plans.
Monday, August 10, 2009
My Second Rainbow . . .
Ages pass and time flies
I see you once in an eon
A brief glance, momentary solace
Like the drifting cloud, you're gone.
Like the gentle mist
That vanishes with the night
At the crack of the dawn.
The morning light.
Like the shooting star
In the dark sky
Crossing the infinite
In the blink of my eye.
I'll hold my heart
In sun and rain
Till my second rainbow
Appears again.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
shadow and light
the chill sets in.
its broad day light
then the dark ?
stranger than fiction
to see
shadow and light together
have we crossed the limits ?
and tested nature to its edge ?
we cannot undo the harm
without spells or charm
all that can heal it now
is love.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
More to the world, than meets the eye
Which cannot be seen
But only felt
Which over time
Have ceased to remain tangible.
Reach out to them
acknowledge them
And then they come to you
Like dawn to the night
And rain
To the eagerly waiting earth.
They dont exist in our dimension
doesnt mean they dont exist at all
They can be as gentle as the mist
Or as burning as the fire.
You feel them in the shadows
Or know them by reflections .
They can be the darkness when you are alone
Or the warm feeling when youre cold
The chill in the spine
Or the heaviness of your heart
Realize them
And you understand all that which once, you had called a mystery, a spook or a miracle.
They dont come to us at the 13th hour
Or when the full moon reflects on the calm stream
They dont need spells to awaken them
Or magic to charm them.
They are always here
Living amongst us.
Though they may not be alive at all.
Seeing is not believing
There is more than meets the eye.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009
sunny side up - amby ( my younger brother )
He jumps and shouts
And runs around.
He is a mischief maker
Never listens,
He’s a trouble taker.
He pulls my hair
And pinches me
Makes me run
And climb a tree.
He thinks he has a lot of brain
And that he’s very smart
He is, but has a tummy too
Eats a lot, and then he farts.
He acts like he is super cool
And puts a lot of perfume
He puts his hair in pointy spikes
He loves cars, but not bikes.
He troubles mom a great deal
Doesn’t sit to study.
He gives her all weird excuses
About why he is so muddy.
Oh then he bugs dad too
Spends a lot of money
Thinks he is the king of the world
And buys all gadgets funny.
He’s a pain
Try living with him
He’s a very big bunny.
Now this stupid guy
He loves to drum
And has a set at home.
I can’t sleep, I can’t eat
Because he’s going
Drum dee dum dum !
He plays pranks and loves to scare
Shouts “watch out” and “boo” !
If you see me scared
Away at a corner
You know it was done by whom !
He loves animals
(he forgets he’s one too)
And is very wild at home.
Dirty underwear and smelly socks
Are hanging all over in his room.
He’s got two horns
And is a devil
Don’t mistake him for an angel
With wings that flap.
He’ll smile at you
But you beware !
His smile is just
An evil trap !
Friday, May 22, 2009
not thought of a title ~
When the heart is troubled
It hangs over, and hovers,
Like a dark, dull, grey shadow above our heads.
The wretched hour won’t pass
And the clock shall tick ever slowly
As if counting the breaths I take
Waiting for it to stop.
The furious thumping thud against the ticking
The heart is tired,
Though it is still young.
The hour does not pass,
The lurking shadows are dark.
The night is cold. The innumerable stars
Appear dulled. Clouded.
Time passes slowly, and I wait,
Ever still, silent and solemn,
For it to tick away,
And the warmth of the golden sunshine to
Fill my heart.
And renew my soul,
For a fresher start.
Let the haunting be gone,
Let there be light.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
( this one confuses me .. lol )
By my side
Holding my hand.
Having taken my heart,
Why the distance ?
Why cant i have you here ?
I feel you so close
I rejoice.
I close my eyes,
I find you
I feel you
I hold you
And i open my eyes,
* Twilight love *
With your arms wide open
Waiting for me.
Love in your eyes,
Sparkles like a star
Can you see me ?
Im tranced with your love.
With every step you take,
I can feel your presence advancing.
The warmth that you give
The light you emit
The love.
Im Yours.
You ~ this one's for mom !! love you !
Undescribed feelings
But still,
You know it all.
Silent dreams
Quiet hopes
You know it all.
Troubling times
Depressing moods
Even then,
You know it all.
Happiness, joy
Love and care
My life,
You know it all.
When Im gone ..
Will you miss me ?
Will you shed a tear ?
And wish i come back ?
When Im gone
Will you be incomplete ?
Will you search the world,
For a glimpse of me ?
When Im gone,
Will you evey say,
Baby, I Love You ?
Perfect Harmony
For had it not the power, it wouldn't have been created with the other.
Midnight Rain
Im in my blanket .. Cuddling in my warm bed .. I can hear the pitter patter .. The thunder ..
I look outside from my window at the dark sky and see a bolt of silvery blue lightening against black clouds ..
A silhouette..
I return to my cosy bed ..
Dreaming about a hot cup of coffee .. And of a day without work .. Lazying about with my family and enjoying the warmth love provides inspite of the freezing rains ..
Tomorrow shall be a crisp morning .. With chilly winds sending shivers down my spine .. With puddles .. With greenery everywhere .. Leaves fallen about .. Tiny mushrooms ..
And with a feeling that nature survives .. And so shall we ..
A scenario