There is more to life than just eating sleeping and working.. We all are so badly bound to make a living, we forget that we're supposed to make a life. So grounded we've become to the Earth, that our mind has forgotten how to fly. So robotic our routines have become, that we have no time to stop and think for a while, what are we doing? What was the initial purpose? And where are we supposed to go?
Sooner or Later, the heart shall answer. You were supposed to follow to your heart. To follow your passion. Because that exactly is what you were made to do, perfectly crafted, to reach that one place, where your inner voice would lead you. But it often drowns out among the rush of life. And we end up where we were never supposed to. Doing things, we never wanted to. And forgetting once again, that living doesnt mean being alive. Forgetting, that its okay to stop and smell the flowers. Its okay to stare up at the stars. Its okay to enjoy the rains. They all resonate to the same cosmic tune that our hearts dance to.. And so should we.